Below are a series of questions. 

Where is my order?

If you recently placed an order and you're wondering why you haven't received it yet, you should first check whether we've dispatched it to you:

  1. Click on Your Account at the top of any page, sign in to your account by entering your email address and password.
  2. Go to your Order History to review the order status of all your orders both open and dispatched.
  3. Click the order details you're wondering about. You should see status details of the order you're expecting.

Note: if you can't find the order in Your Account, it may be that you didn't place it successfully. Click "View Basket" at the top of any page and see if the items you wanted to order are still there. If they are, click the "Proceed to Checkout" button and place your order. If you can't find the order in Your Account or in your shopping basket, please check whether you have ordered using a different e-mail address, or the same e-mail address with a different password.